- 支援Intel Pentium®4新一代0.13微米製程、Socket 478 架構處理器
- 支援高效率SDRAM PC133記憶體
- 內建AC97音效晶片
- 支援UDMA ATA 133 IDE設備
- 提供 6 組高效率USB 連接埠
- 技嘉科技獨特的Ez-Fix AGP 插槽
IntroductionThe GA-8SD533, consisted with SiS645 and 961(B) chipsets, is a highly valuable motherboard with great performance and rich features for Intel® Pentium® 4 based platform. With unique technology developed by GIGABYTE, GA-8SD533 is able to provide Optimized FSB setting for high-speed processor thus delivering exceptional performance. GA-8SD533 also supports the SDRAM PC133 memory and AGP 4X graphics interface to ensure excellent performance for mainstream platform. Equipped the latest 961(B) chipset, GA-8SD533 provides 6 USB ports and high speed UDMA ATA133 interface for a variety of peripherals and storage devices. GA-8SD533 is indeed the best buy SiS 645-based SDRAM solution motherboard.
Supporting latest Intel® Pentium® 4 and providing Optimized FSB SettingGA-8SD533 supports the latest Intel® new 0.13 micron-process Pentium® 4 processor. Enabled by R&D expertise of GIGABYTE, GA-8SD533 extends the platform's capability of supporting the optimized FSB setting for the latest Intel® Pentium 4 processor to ensure cost-efficient mainstream PCs possess great performance.
Supports PC133 up to 3GBAvailable with 3 DIMM slots supporting up to 3GB of PC133 SDRAM memory, GA-8SD533 provides the high performance platform with the high efficiency SDRAM memory.
Great Expandability of 6 USB Ports6 USB1.1 ports are provided to enhance PC connectivity for consumer electronics audio/ video (A/V) appliances, storage peripherals, and portable devices.
EasyTune™ 4 - User Friendly Overclocking UtilityA user-friendly windows based utility developed by GIGABYTE provides a brand new experience of easily operation and enjoyment for over-clocking on your platform.
Norton Internet Security™ IncludedNorton Internet Security™ 2002 is the essential protection from viruses, hackers, and privacy threats. It protects user during the online activities such as e-mailing, shopping, banking, and game playing.

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* 基於PC基本架構,有部分記憶體空間須留作系統用途,故所偵測到之記憶體大小會比實際上較少。