- Supports Intel® Pentium® D Processor
- Dual Channel DDR2 667 for advanced system performance
- Integrated Intel® Graphic Media Accelerator 950
- Integrated new generation SATA 3Gb/s interface
- Integrated high-speed Gigabit Ethernet connection
- Integrated high quality 6-channel AC'97 Audio
Optimized for Intel® dual core ProcessorGA-8I945P Pro支援最新革命性的雙核心Intel® Pentium 處理器,並支援Hyper Threading技術,可以同時運行四組線程,也就是每一個核心可在同一時刻運行兩組線程,多核處理器可使桌上型電腦展現優異的功能表現。
Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 950The Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 950 combines faster graphics processing and increased memory bandwidth to deliver richer visual quality and colors without the need for additional discrete graphics cards.
64-bit ReadyEnter the new 64-bit computing era through Intel® Extended Memory 64 Technology. 64 bit operating system allows twice the amount of data access compare to 32-bit OS, thus enhances system productivity and memory responsiveness.
Step on to high speed connectivityThe high-speed Gigabit Ethernet for LAN connection speed of up to 1,000 Mb/s, allows internet activities such as online gaming or watching streaming videos without delays.
Virus Free ProtectionDeliver solid protection against hackers, viruses, and privacy infringements via the Internet with Intel® Execute Disable Bit technology and bundled Norton Internet Security. With combination of both hardware and software anti-virus mechanisms, greatly reduces the treat of virus attacks to the system.
Gigabit LAN connectivity千兆(Gigabit)LAN提供超越以往的高速網路介面,其連結頻寬可達1,000 Mbps,提供寬頻時代最佳的網路連結。並且讓消費者在連結網路時,瀏覽影像或音樂的網頁時,可以順暢無礙。
Xpress Recovery 2Xpress Recovery 2 is the revolutionary feature designed to improve system security. With Xpress Recovery 2 the system and personal files can be easily back up into unused area and be restored in just few steps if necessary.
i-CoolMake your PC cool and quiet with i-Cool! i-Cool allows users to reduce heat generated by CPU through reducing the CPU clock speed and enabling CPU fan to run slower and quieter.
SATA 3Gb/s 儲存介面SATA 3Gb/s儲存介面傳輸頻寬由每秒1.5Gb提升至每秒3Gb。SATA 3Gb/s不僅將SATA技術的速度提高了一倍,同時帶來了更有效的頻寬利用、更快的數據備份與儲存能力。

* HDMI、HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface、HDMI 商業外觀及 HDMI 識別標章等詞彙均為 HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. 的商標或註冊商標。
* 以上產品之規格、圖片及其他資訊僅供參考,如與實際產品有任何不相符之處,應以實際產品為準。技嘉科技保留在任何時間做出修改之權利。對任何因使用上述資料而引致之損失,技嘉科技概不承擔任何責任。
* 本產品所標示之各項效能表現為各晶片廠商或各制定介面官方組織所提出的最大理論值,實際效能可能因規格及設備而有所不同。
* 本文中所使用之各項商標及企業識別圖示,均為其合法所有人之財產。
* 基於PC基本架構,有部分記憶體空間須留作系統用途,故所偵測到之記憶體大小會比實際上較少。