- 支援AMD Athlon™ XP、333MHz前端匯流排處理器
- 支援高效能DDR333記憶體以提昇系統效能
- 內建最新UniChromeTM繪圖引擎
- 內建高品質6聲道AC97音效晶片,並提供S/P-DIF輸出功能
- 內建10/100Mb乙太網路功能
- 提供 IEEE 1394 連接功能
- 提供6組高速USB 2.0連接埠
IntroductionGA-7VM400MF is new generation all-in-one solution for latest AMD Athlon™ Windows® XP processor. Equipped with VIA UniChrome KM400 chipset and plenty of features, GA-7VM400MF delivers a full-function platform with excellent performance. The VIA UniChrome KM400 chipset integrates the UniChrome™ 2D/3D graphics core with MPEG-2 acceleration for excellent multimedia performance and complete flexibility on the desktop. The chipset North Bridge exchanges data with the CPU through a flexible and ultra fast Front Side Bus at speeds of up to 333MHz, and features an AGP 8X controller for graphics upgrades. The KM400 also supports a complete range of DDR memory speeds, including DDR200/266/333. In addition, the IEEE1394,USB 2.0 and 6-channel audio are equipped to provide a complete solution for mainstream corporate and consumer desktop systems. GA-7VM400MF will definitely represent the best choice of integrated solution for AMD Athlon™ Windows® XP platform now and future.
DDR333 memory supportWith the optimized DDR333 memory support, this platform provides high bandwidth up to 2.7GB/s and high capacity of 2GB with 2 DIMM slots to ensure greatest memory performance.
Ethernet 10/100Mb LAN Network ConnectionProvides high-quality 10/100 Ethernet performance for value-minded users who need straight forward network connectivity. Ensure a highspeed,stable solution for new broadband era.
Norton Internet Security IncludedNorton Internet Security™ 2003 is the essential protection from viruses,hackers, and privacy threats. It protects user during the online activities such as e-mailing, shopping, banking, and game playing.
IEEE1394 FireWire interfaceIEEE1394是應用廣泛的介面,消費者可藉由此介面在電腦上連接電子影音(Audio/Video)裝置、儲存週邊設備和攜帶式裝置。
High quality 6-channel audio supportHigh Definition Audio enables premium digital sound in the PC for an immersive surround sound experience. In addition, HD Audio delivers multiple audio channels in your PC so you can listen to two different streams
Superb bandwidth AGP 8X graphics interface最新一代VGA介面的AGP 8X頻寬高達2.12GB/s,傳輸頻寬可達AGP4X的兩倍,能增進影像處理的效能。
Advanced 333 Front-Side Bus SupportThis platform supports the highest CPU frequency and system bandwidth for fully utilizing the intense computing power of latest AMD Athlon™ Windows® XP processor and providing enhanced system responsiveness.
Great expandability of 6 USB 2.0 portsUSB 2.0介面的資料傳輸頻寬可達480Mbps,是USB1.1的40倍;提供電腦週邊設備更加快速的連接介面。

* HDMI、HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface、HDMI 商業外觀及 HDMI 識別標章等詞彙均為 HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. 的商標或註冊商標。
* 以上產品之規格、圖片及其他資訊僅供參考,如與實際產品有任何不相符之處,應以實際產品為準。技嘉科技保留在任何時間做出修改之權利。對任何因使用上述資料而引致之損失,技嘉科技概不承擔任何責任。
* 本產品所標示之各項效能表現為各晶片廠商或各制定介面官方組織所提出的最大理論值,實際效能可能因規格及設備而有所不同。
* 本文中所使用之各項商標及企業識別圖示,均為其合法所有人之財產。
* 基於PC基本架構,有部分記憶體空間須留作系統用途,故所偵測到之記憶體大小會比實際上較少。