📣 Join us, GIGABYTE, at DTI-CX 2023 and experience our latest solutions! 🎉

Jakarta, Indonesia | Jul 26-27,2023


📣 Join us, GIGABYTE, at DTI-CX 2023 and experience our latest solutions! 🎉
 ATxSG is around the corner! Visit us at #4B1-11 or Taiwan Excellence #3L-2O3

Singapore | Jun 06-09,2023

GIGABYTE at CommunicAsia & Asia Tech x Singapore

ATxSG is around the corner! Visit us at #4B1-11 or Taiwan Excellence #3L-2O3
Visit us to learn about our solutions for hosting and cloud providers.

Austin, TX USA | May 31 - Jun 03,2023

CloudFest USA

Visit us to learn about our solutions for hosting and cloud providers.

Taipei, Taiwan | May 30 - Jun 02,2023

Computex 2023

Visit us at booth #G709. GIGABYTE presents HPC server solutions of current and next generations and exclusive designs.

Hamburg, Germany | May 21-25,2023

ISC High Performance 2023

Visit us at booth #G709. GIGABYTE presents HPC server solutions of current and next generations and exclusive designs.
技嘉科技以情境式介紹人工智慧浪潮下最適合的 GPU 伺服器,以及技嘉一站式浸漠式冷卻方案!

Hsinchiu, Taiwan | May 10,2023


技嘉科技以情境式介紹人工智慧浪潮下最適合的 GPU 伺服器,以及技嘉一站式浸漠式冷卻方案!
Visit us at booth #7-36, GIGABYTE brings AI & HPC solutions for you at AI EXPO TOKYO.

Japan | May 10-12,2023

AI EXPO TOKYO Spring 2023

Visit us at booth #7-36, GIGABYTE brings AI & HPC solutions for you at AI EXPO TOKYO.
支援 AMD 第四代 Zen 4的Ryzen™ 7000 系列處理器,以及 AMD EPYC 的伺服器產品在台南首次亮相。歡迎報名並至現場洽談採購及完整的服務!

Tainan, Taiwan | Apr 27,2023

AMD EPYC 9004 & Ryzen 7000 系列伺服器發表會

支援 AMD 第四代 Zen 4的Ryzen™ 7000 系列處理器,以及 AMD EPYC 的伺服器產品在台南首次亮相。歡迎報名並至現場洽談採購及完整的服務!
Join us with industry experts and researchers to discuss the latest trends in OCP recognized data center equipment in EMEA.

Prague, Czech Republic | Apr 19-20,2023

OCP Regional Summit

Join us with industry experts and researchers to discuss the latest trends in OCP recognized data center equipment in EMEA.
Visit us at booth #CJ113 to discover our new AI machines.

Korea | Apr 19-21,2023

World IT Show

Visit us at booth #CJ113 to discover our new AI machines.
歡迎前來體驗今年春天的 NVIDIA GTC,和技嘉一起探索人工智慧、加速運算等技術的突破!

Virtual | Mar 20-24,2023

GTC 2023

歡迎前來體驗今年春天的 NVIDIA GTC,和技嘉一起探索人工智慧、加速運算等技術的突破!
Join us at the cloud dedicated conference in Germany.

Rust, Germany | Mar 20-23,2023

CloudFest 2023

Join us at the cloud dedicated conference in Germany.
技嘉正在成長的航道上全速前進 如果你期盼能在國際舞台上大展長才,歡迎你加入我們的行列!開啟夢想的藍圖,此刻抵嘉展開!

Taipei,Taiwan | Mar 03 - Apr 30,2023

2023 技嘉擴大徵才 夢想抵嘉

技嘉正在成長的航道上全速前進 如果你期盼能在國際舞台上大展長才,歡迎你加入我們的行列!開啟夢想的藍圖,此刻抵嘉展開!
與我們一同前往MWC 2023,從邊緣開始用「運算驅動未來」,讓人工智慧與生活可以更緊密連結。

Barcelona, Spain | Feb 27 - Mar 02,2023

MWC 2023

與我們一同前往MWC 2023,從邊緣開始用「運算驅動未來」,讓人工智慧與生活可以更緊密連結。
Visit us at booth #13 to ally with the latest HPC research and technologies.

Singapore | Feb 27 - Mar 02,2023

SuperComputing Asia (SCA 2023)

Visit us at booth #13 to ally with the latest HPC research and technologies.
技嘉科技發表全新支援搭載內建加速器的第四代 Intel® Xeon® 可擴充處理器,新系列的伺服器硬體配置提供客戶最適化的產品選擇。

Taipei, Taiwan | Feb 21,2023

技嘉科技第四代Intel Xeon處理器伺服器產品發表會

技嘉科技發表全新支援搭載內建加速器的第四代 Intel® Xeon® 可擴充處理器,新系列的伺服器硬體配置提供客戶最適化的產品選擇。
 Visit us at booth #35 to discover a wide range of new AI technologies.

Bangkok,Thailand | Feb 21-22,2023

AI Asia Expo Thailand 2023

Visit us at booth #35 to discover a wide range of new AI technologies.

Las Vegas, USA | Jan 05-08,2023

CES 2023

技嘉發表支援AMD Zen 4架構平台系列主機板和伺服器,協助企業實現硬體運算升級。

Taipei, Taiwan | Dec 22,2022

技嘉AMD EPYC™ 9004運算平台 & 浸沒式液體冷卻方案發表會

技嘉發表支援AMD Zen 4架構平台系列主機板和伺服器,協助企業實現硬體運算升級。
Visit GIGABYTE Booth# E15 at DigiTech ASEAN Thailand ! Date: 11/23-25

Bangkok, Thailand | Nov 23-25,2022

DigiTech ASEAN Thailand

Visit GIGABYTE Booth# E15 at DigiTech ASEAN Thailand ! Date: 11/23-25
The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis. Join GIGABYTE at booth #719.

Dallas, Texas | Nov 14-17,2022

Supercomputing 2022 (SC22)

The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis. Join GIGABYTE at booth #719.
Visit GIGABYTE at Asia's Largest Data Center Event! Date: 12-13 Oct. , Booth #43

Singapore | Oct 12-13,2022

Data Centre World

Visit GIGABYTE at Asia's Largest Data Center Event! Date: 12-13 Oct. , Booth #43
歡迎線上參與 2022 年 9 月 19-22 日的 GTC 大會,透過專家瞭解人工智慧和 3D 網際網路的變革如何對產業和整個社會產生深遠影響。

Virtual | Sep 19-22,2022

NVIDIA GTC 人工智慧與元宇宙的開發人員大會

歡迎線上參與 2022 年 9 月 19-22 日的 GTC 大會,透過專家瞭解人工智慧和 3D 網際網路的變革如何對產業和整個社會產生深遠影響。
GIGABYTE一站式解決方案,助企業降低AI應用與數位轉型的錯誤成本,邁向「AI 上雲」的智慧未來。

Taipei, Taiwan | Jul 26,2022

2022 臺灣雲端大會

GIGABYTE一站式解決方案,助企業降低AI應用與數位轉型的錯誤成本,邁向「AI 上雲」的智慧未來。