How to Pick a Cooling Solution for Your Servers? A Tech Guide by GIGABYTE

Tech Guide

How to Pick a Cooling Solution for Your Servers? A Tech Guide by GIGABYTE

As CPUs and GPUs continue to advance, they consume more power and generate more heat. It is vital to keep temperature control in mind when purchasing servers. A good cooling solution keeps things running smoothly without hiking up the energy bill or requiring persistent maintenance. GIGABYTE Technology, an industry leader in high-performance servers, presents this Tech Guide to help you choose a suitable cooling solution. We analyze three popular options—air, liquid, immersion—and demonstrate what GIGABYTE can do for you.
GIGABYTE PILOT: The Autonomous-Driving Control Unit at the Heart of Taiwan’s First Self-Driving Bus

Success Case

GIGABYTE PILOT: The Autonomous-Driving Control Unit at the Heart of Taiwan’s First Self-Driving Bus

Developed by the Automotive Research Testing Center (ARTC), the WinBus is Taiwan’s first self-driving electric bus that has reached SAE Level 4 Driving Automation. GIGABYTE PILOT, GIGABYTE Technology’s Autonomous-Driving Control Unit (ADCU), is the AI Mobile Edge Computing Platform at the heart of the autonomous vehicle. It provides superb processing power to support the deployment of self-driving AI algorithms, versatile connectivity to act as the hub between onboard sensors and the vehicle control system, and a rugged and reliable design that is ready for long-term operations. GIGABYTE PILOT is the ideal choice for autonomous vehicles, vessels, heavy machinery, and autonomous mobile robots (AMRs).
Japanese Telco Leader KDDI Invents Immersion Cooling Small Data Center with GIGABYTE

Success Case

Japanese Telco Leader KDDI Invents Immersion Cooling Small Data Center with GIGABYTE

Japanese telco giant KDDI Corporation has invented a new class of data centers that are mobile and eco-friendly. These “container-type immersion cooling small data centers” employ “single-phase immersion cooling” to reduce power consumption by 43% and lower the PUE below 1.07. GIGABYTE Technology drew from its years of experience in the telco sector to provide the R282-Z93 and R182-Z91 Rack Servers for KDDI to use as the management and GPU computing nodes in the data center. KDDI benefits from the servers’ powerful 3rd Gen AMD EPYC™ CPUs, the scalable, high-density configuration of NVIDIA® GPUs in small form factors, and the servers’ optimized compatibility with the liquid-based data center cooling solution. GIGABYTE’s participation in KDDI’s project is in line with GIGABYTE’s long-term CSR and ESG efforts, which are focused on working with global industry leaders to “Upgrade Your Life” with high tech while building a greener, more sustainable environment for our future.
Semiconductor Giant Selects GIGABYTE’s Two-Phase Immersion Cooling Solution

Success Case

Semiconductor Giant Selects GIGABYTE’s Two-Phase Immersion Cooling Solution

GIGABYTE Technology has built a “two-phase immersion cooling solution” for one of Taiwan’s foremost semiconductor giants, to be used in its sustainable, future-proof “green HPC data centers”. Not only does the solution boost the performance of HPC processors by over 10%—which is crucial for the nanometer process technology used in IC foundries—it also reduces data center power consumption by 30% and lowers PUE below 1.08, which turns it into a role model of green computing that may be replicated in data centers around the world. This exemplary project demonstrates how GIGABYTE can support its clients’ CSR, ESG, and SDGs-related initiatives, and how GIGABYTE is working tirelessly to “Upgrade Your Life” with high tech while protecting our environment.
Using GIGABYTE, NIPA Cloud Soars Among CSP Giants in Thailand

Success Case

Using GIGABYTE, NIPA Cloud Soars Among CSP Giants in Thailand

NIPA Cloud is a leading public and private cloud service provider in Thailand. It has purchased multiple GIGABYTE R-Series Rack Servers to support the launch of its new service: NIPA Enterprise Public Cloud. Featuring powerful AMD EPYC™ processors and smart management functions, GIGABYTE servers boast the performance, availability, and power efficiency that can help NIPA Cloud go toe-to-toe with some of the world’s biggest CSPs, such as AWS, GCP, and Microsoft Azure.
Global Autonomous Vehicle Boom: Core Knowledge You Should Never Ignore

Tech Guide

Global Autonomous Vehicle Boom: Core Knowledge You Should Never Ignore

6 Key Knowledge to Build the Power of Computing for Your Business


6 Key Knowledge to Build the Power of Computing for Your Business

Digitalization is the first strategy in technology for today's enterprises to stay ahead of others. To develop core business and conduct daily operations, enterprises need IT systems and computing power to store, process, manage and analyze the large amounts of data generated and collected every day. This guide will take you from understanding the relevant definitions of data centers to the functions of servers that are often deployed in modern popular technologies such as high performance computing (HPC), 5G, and artificial intelligence (AI).
Data Center Cooling: The Key to Green Computing and a Low-Carbon Transition

Tech Guide

Data Center Cooling: The Key to Green Computing and a Low-Carbon Transition

Ushering in a New Era of Smart Healthcare Applications with 5G-based MEC


Ushering in a New Era of Smart Healthcare Applications with 5G-based MEC

A new epoch of smart medicine has been made possible with the proliferation of 5G. Healthcare has advanced from the treatment of symptoms to the early detection of disease and the tracking of each individual’s condition. GIGABYTE Technology offers the highly scalable, high-density E-Series Edge Servers for edge computing; by working with Alpha Networks Inc., GIGABYTE has brought the benefits of multi-access edge computing (MEC) to wearable devices and other Internet of Things (IoT) applications that will help to realize the vision of smart medicine. The compilation of big data, coupled with the low-latency characteristics of MEC, allow for faster data integration and analysis that will help healthcare providers offer customized, predictive care for their patients.
The Advantages of ARM: From Smartphones to Supercomputers and Beyond

Tech Guide

The Advantages of ARM: From Smartphones to Supercomputers and Beyond

Processors based on the ARM architecture, an alternative to the mainstream x86 architecture, is gradually making the leap from mobile devices to servers and data centers. In this Tech Guide, GIGABYTE Technology, an industry leader in high-performance server solutions, recounts how ARM was developed. We also explain the various benefits of ARM processors and recommend ARM servers for different sectors and applications.
Phân tích khái niệm: HPC là gì? Hướng dẫn kỹ thuật của GIGABYTE

Tech Guide

Phân tích khái niệm: HPC là gì? Hướng dẫn kỹ thuật của GIGABYTE

Thuật ngữ HPC, viết tắt của máy tính hiệu suất cao, được sử dụng rất nhiều ngày nay, khi các giải pháp máy chủ ngày càng trở nên phổ biến hơn. Nó đang dần trở thành một cụm từ thông dụng: bất cứ thứ gì là “HPC” đều phải là lựa chọn phù hợp cho nhu cầu máy tính của bạn. Bạn có thể tự hỏi: chính xác thì lợi ích của HPC là gì và HPC có phù hợp với bạn không? GIGABYTE Technology, công ty hàng đầu trong ngành về máy chủ hiệu suất cao, trình bày hướng dẫn công nghệ này để giúp bạn hiểu ý nghĩa của HPC trên cả cấp độ lý thuyết và thực tế. Khi làm như vậy, chúng tôi hy vọng sẽ giúp bạn đánh giá xem HPC có phù hợp với bạn hay không, đồng thời chứng minh những gì GIGABYTE cung cấp trong lĩnh vực HPC.
What is a Server? A Tech Guide by GIGABYTE

Tech Guide

What is a Server? A Tech Guide by GIGABYTE

In the modern age, we enjoy an incredible amount of computing power—not because of any device that we own, but because of the servers we are connected to. They handle all our myriad requests, whether it is to send an email, play a game, or find a restaurant. They are the inventions that make our intrinsically connected age of digital information possible. But what, exactly, is a server? GIGABYTE Technology, an industry leader in high-performance servers, presents our latest Tech Guide. We delve into what a server is, how it works, and what exciting new breakthroughs GIGABYTE has made in the field of server solutions.