  • 全片式橡膠薄模設計,摔落不卡鍵
  • 特殊加大按鍵橡膠彈鈕,增加回彈手感
  • 強化底盤結構
  • 防潑水功能
  • Built with Reinforced Frame Structure

    FORCE K3 built with 4-layer structure features more solid body than conventional membrane keyboard. Extra chassis improves drop resistance and increase durability.

  • One-piece Rubber Membrane Design

    Instead of single separated rubber dome, FORCE K3 adopts one-piece rubber membrane that prevents being misaligned by dropping.

  • Improved Tactile Feedback

    Enlarged elastic rubber dome offers more stable contact and ensures fast and reliable tactile feedback during your intense gaming session.

  • Easily Find WASD and Arrow Keys

    Bright enlarged printing on WASD and arrow keycaps for better visibility
    Let you easily find WASD and arrow keys at a glance.

  • Extending Rest Area for Better Comfort

    Extending rest area supports your left hand while holding on WASD keys and keeps your wrist in a comfortable typing posture.

  • Water Resistant

    The drain hole at the bottom helps liquid draining out and protects keyboard against accidental spills.

  • Adjustable Feet Stands

    Non-slick rubber feet prevents slipping. Adjustable keyboard tilt by extending the feet stands allows you to find personal optimal wrist position.

  • Durable Key Press Lifespan

    Superior materials improve durability offering ultra-durable 10 million key press lifespan that contributes consistent long-term performance.

  • Hand-Comfort Guide
* 以上產品之規格、圖片及其他資訊僅供參考,如與實際產品有任何不相符之處,應以實際產品為準。技嘉科技保留在任何時間做出修改之權利。對任何因使用上述資料而引致之損失,技嘉科技概不承擔任何責任。
* 本產品所標示之各項效能表現為各晶片廠商或各制定介面官方組織所提出的最大理論值,實際效能可能因規格及設備而有所不同。
* 本文中所使用之各項商標及企業識別圖示,均為其合法所有人之財產。
* 基於PC基本架構,有部分記憶體空間須留作系統用途,故所偵測到之記憶體大小會比實際上較少。