CSR and ESG in Action: GIGABYTE Helps NCKU Train Award-Winning Supercomputing Team
GIGABYTE Technology is not only a leading brand in high-performance server solutions—it is also an active force for good when it comes to CSR and ESG activities. Case in point: in 2020, GIGABYTE provided four G482-Z50 servers to Taiwan’s Cheng Kung University. The servers were used to train a team of talented students, who went on to take first place in that year’s APAC HPC-AI Competition in Singapore. The parallel computing performance of the servers’ processors, the seamless connectivity between the servers, and the servers’ unrivalled reliability are the reasons why GIGABYTE servers are ideal for educating the next generation of supercomputing experts. GIGABYTE is happy to give back to society and contribute to human advancement through high tech solutions.

AI, Climate Change, COVID-Related Research: the Focus of APAC HPC-AI

Under the guidance of Chair Professor Chi-Chuan Hwang (center) and Research Assistant Michael Li (left), and with the help of four GIGABYTE G482-Z50 GPU Servers, the supercomputing team representing Taiwan’s Cheng Kung University took first place in the 2020 APAC HPC-AI Competition.
The Benefits of GIGABYTE Servers: Parallel Computing, Connectivity, Reliability

GIGABYTE helped the NCKU supercomputing team by providing them with four G482-Z50 GPU Servers. The incredible performance delivered by a combination of CPUs and GPGPUs, the seamless connectivity between the servers, and the inbuilt high availability features—all these qualities were of great assistance to the students.
Benefit #1: Advanced CPUs and GPGPUs Offering Parallel Processing Capabilities
Benefit #2: High Throughput, Low Latency Connectivity within the Cluster
Benefit #3: Continuous, Reliable Operations Thanks to High Availability Features
The Result: Shattering Records and Claiming the Crown in the Contest
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