GA-Z77MX-D3H TH (rev. 1.0)
Intel® Z77 Chipset
Motherboard GIGABYTE Ultra Durable™ 4 Classic ... more
GIGABYTE 7 series Ultra Durable Motherboards
The new Intel® Z77 processor platform features a range of technological improvements over previous platforms, making it the most technically complete and attractive platform on the market today. ... more -
GIGABYTE has been working closely with the Microsoft® WHQL certification team for the forthcoming Windows 8™ operating system, ensuring the absolute smoothest transition in terms of driver and BIOS support, to ensure that GIGABYTE motherboards offer the absolute best experience for Microsoft Windows 8 and its exciting new features. ... more
GIGABYTE salah satu vendor yang menawarkan motherboard dengan port Dual Thunderbolt dari teknologi data yang berkecepatan tinggi yang dirilis ke pasar ritel Motherboard.Dengan demikian, Motherboard ini juga merupakan yang pertama untuk menawarkan dukungan resolusi 4K yang menggunakan prosesor grafis intel, Tanpa memerlukan solusi GPU yang high-end discrete. ... more