- GPU by the Radeon 7000 graphics processor
- Integrated with 64MB Hynix DDR memory
- Supports Microsoft DirectX7.0 above and OpenGL
- Support AGP Universal Bus 4X/2X
- Supports 3D resolutions (32-bit color) up to 1920x1200
- Supports 32-bit 2D resolutions up to 2048x1536
- Support ATI HYPER Z and HYDRAVISION technology
- Bundles latest PowerDVD 5.0
GIGABYTE V-tuner2Real time monitoring the temperature, coolling fan speed and coltage of the graphics card, and dynamically control the working frequency and fan speed to let your graphics card always run at the best condition. GIGABYTE V-tuner2 provides a user-friendly and simple interface for overclocking, and allows users to dynamically adjust core and memory clocks.
Widescreen resolution support
Resolution Colors (bits) Refresh Rate (Hz) 16:10 1920 x 1200 8/16/32 75 16:9 1920 x 1080 8/16/32 85
*Resolutions are limited by the performance of the attached monitor. 16:9 / 16:10 aspect ratio monitors are only supported on Windows® XP. The complete list of resolutions depends on the driver version and operating system.

* Los términos HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface (Interfaz multimedia de alta definición), HDMI Trade Dress (diseño e imagen comercial HDMI) y los logotipos HDMI son marcas comerciales o marcas registradas de HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc.
* Todos los materiales aquí provistos son sólo para referencia. GIGABYTE se reserva el derecho de modificar o revisar el contenido a cualquier hora sin aviso alguno.
* Todas las marcas y logos son propiedad de sus propios dueños.
* Debido a la arquitectura estándar de la PC, cierta cantidad de memoria es reservada para uso del sistema y actualmente la memoria disponible es menor a la mencionada.