1. AMD Athlon™64 X2/ 64 FX/ 64 socket 939 platform
  2. GIGABYTE unique Dual Power System (DPS) design
  3. NVIDIA SLI Multi-GPU Support for extreme graphics performance
  4. Supports NVIDIA SATA II and RAID for advanced storage application
  5. Dual Gigabit LAN solution with 54Mbps Wireless LAN solution
  6. Enhances network security with NVIDIA ActiveArmor™ powered Firewall
  7. Integrated T.I. IEEE 1394b FireWire interface
  • Introducere
    GA-K8NXP-SLI este un produs revoluţionar, ideal pentru gameri şi entuziaşti, fiind conceput pentru procesoarele AthlonTM64 64 X2, 64-FX şi 64. Datorită tehnologiei SLI, placa oferă performanţe de excepţie în jocuri, deţinãnd posibilitatea conectării a două plăci grafice PCI-Express. Interfeţele Serial ATA II, NV RAID, NV firewall şi soluţiile wireless nu fac decãt să creeze premisa satisfacerii gusturilor oricărui utilizator dornic de performanţă.
  • Σ Procesor
    AMD AthlonTM64 X2/ 64 FX / 64 Processor
    The leading-edge performance and unparallel technology of the 8th generation AMD Athlon™64 Socket AM2 series processor has built its strength on the well-known AMD64 framework which consisted of 64-bit computing platform, HyperTransport Technology, and integrated memory controller. The latest Athlon™64 X2 dual-core processor brings the power and multitasking performance on the desktop platform and ensures superior performance on mission critical business applications.
  • ΣSLI(Scalable Link Interface)
    Suport NVIDIA SLI Multi-GPU
    Delivers up to 2X the performance of a single GPU configuration for unparalleled gaming experiences by allowing two graphics cards to run in parallel. The must-have feature for performance PCI Express graphics, SLI dramatically scales performance on 60 top PC games.
  • Σ Memorie
    Arhitectură dual-channel DDR400 superioară
    With double the bandwidth of your system memory and hence boosts the system performance to out perform any memory existing solutions in the market. The GA-8IPE775-G (Rev 1.1) allows you to handle memory-intensive tasks with ease
  • Σ D.P.S
    Dual Power System
    U-Plus D.P.S. is a revolutionary eight-phase power circuit designed to withstand varying electrical current levels, ensuring future processor upgrades.
  • Σ Networking
    Dual Gigabit LAN/ Wireless Technology
    Reţeaua Dual Gigabit LAN cu funcţie Teaming permite unui număr de două conexiuni să se comporte ca una singură, dublând lăţimea de bandă a reţelei, totodată reducând şi utilizarea procesorului. Ea este capabilă să prevină downtime-ul reţelelor în caz de avarie, transferând sarcinile portului cu probleme către cel funcţional.
  • Σ Stocare
    This platform supports reliable storage solution for enhanced data protection and data accessing performance. Serial ATA 3Gb/s is firstly introduced in this platform to provide blazingly 3Gb/s bus bandwidth thus higher disk performance. The NVIDIA RAID allows multi-disk designs to be set up as RAID 0,1,0+1 based on users’ priority of protection/ performance. This NVIDIA RAID function makes the RAID even more accessible by introducing the innovative windows-based facility.
  • ΣSecuritate
    Firewall-ul NVIDIA ActiveArmor / Norton Internet Security (NIS)
    NVIDIA Firewall protects your PC from intruders by filtering unauthorized traffic. This brand new firewall provides solid protection while reduces the firewall's CPU utilization and improves networking throughput & performance. Certificated by ICSA Lab, NVIDIA Firewall provides professional-graded security to your desktop platform.
  • Σ ShieldWare
    Un pachet complet de soluţii software
    A solid pack of unique software features focused on performing important system essentials with speed and ease. Find out what these great features can do for your system!
  • Prima placă de bază cu funcţii FireWire IEEE1394b
    This motherboard with IEEE1394 FireWire interface from Texas Instruments (TI). With the transfer speed up to 400Mb/s, the new generation IEEE1394 interface further enhances PC connectivity with consumer electronics audio/video (A/V) appliances, and storage peripherals.
  • Tehnologia patentată DualBIOS
    DualBIOS prevents BIOS from virus attacks or firmware damage and provides a double security to the system that assures the PC stability
  • Interfaţă audio cu 8 canale
    Experiences the 3D surround sound through the 8-channel audio solution. The advanced feature fulfills the requirements for a variety of audio applications, such as MP3 or Audio CD playback, DVD movies and gaming thus delivering ideal platform for multimedia solution.

* Termenii HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, Imaginea comercială HDMI și Siglele HDMI sunt mărci comerciale sau mărci comerciale înregistrate ale HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc.
* Materialele oferite aici sunt doar pentru referinţă. GIGABYTE îşi rezervă dreptul de a modifica sau revizui continutul oricând fără notificare prealabilă.
* Perfomanţa prezentată este bazată pe valorile teoretice maxime ale interfeţei de la vendorii respectivi de Chipset-uri sau de la organizaţiile ce au definit specificaţiile interfeţei. Perfomanţele reale pot varia în funcţie de sistem.
* Toate mărcile inregistrate şi logo-urile sunt proprietatea deţinătorilor respectivi.
* Datorită arhitecturii standard PC, o anumită cantitate de memorie este rezervată pentru sistem şi de aceea mărimea actuală a memoriei este mai mică decât cea indicată.