Intel® H81 Chipset
- Supports 4th Generation Intel® Core™ processors
- GIGABYTE Ultra Durable™ Technology
- USB 3.0 ports with GIGABYTE 3x USB power
- GIGABYTE On/Off Charge™ for USB devices
- LAN with high ESD Protection
- D-SUB port on rear panel
- Solid capacitors for CPU VRM design
GIGABYTE 8 Series MotherboardsGIGABYTE 8 Series motherboards support the latest 4th Generation Intel® Core™ processors, bringing together a unique blend of features and technologies that offer the absolute ultimate platform for your next PC build. From high current capable power delivery, performance-enhancing caching technologies, exclusive high-end audio features, advanced networking and device charging, GIGABYTE 8 series motherboards are in a class of their own.
Next Gen Intel® 8 Series Platform
The latest Intel 8 Series platform offers significant improvements in performance and power consumption with the latest 4th generation Intel® Core™ processors and Intel® H81 chipsets. As well as a boost in overall productivity, the latest HD4600 Intel® processor graphics provide significantly higher frame rates in the latest DX11 3D game titles. -
GIGABYTE Ultra Durable
GIGABYTE Ultra Durable™ debuts on GIGABYTE motherboards, with a range of features and component choices that provide record-breaking performance, cool and efficient operation and extended motherboard lifespan. -
Ultra Performance
GIGABYTE uses Solid Caps (Capacitors) for CPU VRM and Low RDS(on) MOSFETs which are rated to work at higher temperatures to provide a longer lifespan.
Humidity ProtectionHumidity can play havoc on a motherboard's circuitry.GIGABYTE's new Glass Fabric PCB design helps protect against electrical shorts due to humidity by reducing the gaps in spacing between PCB filaments.
Power Failure ProtectionGIGABYTE also uses Anti-Surge ICs to protect the motherboard against power surges.
Electrostatic ProtectionGIGABYTE motherboards feature High Resistance ICs which help protect the motherboard against electrostatic discharge.
High ESD Protection for USB and LAN
GIGABYTE 8 Series motherboards raise the bar in terms of protecting your system, providing advanced electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection for both your Ethernet LAN and USB ports, both common sources of ESD-related failures. Each LAN and USB port is paired with a dedicated protection filter that can withstand high electrostatic discharges, protecting your system from common electrical surges and even direct lighting strikes. -
One Fuse per USB Port (USB 3.0 only)
On GIGABYTE 8 Series motherboards each USB port has its own dedicated power fuse that prevents unwanted USB port failure, helping to safe guard your important data during transfer GIGABYTE One Fuse per
USB Port DesignTraditional One Fuse Design
for Multi-USB Ports -
Suport On/Off ChargeTehnologia GIGABYTE On/Off Charge permite încărcarea iPhone, iPad şi iPod Touch fie că PC-ul este pornit, în standby sau chiar oprit. Fiind derivată a tehnologiei apreciate GIGABYTE 3x USB Power, On/Off Charge permite echipamentelor să primeasca mai mult curent din porturile USB ale plăcilor de bază GIGABYTE faţă de cât permit porturile USB standard, astfel încât încărcarea din PC sa fie la fel de rapidă ca cea cu încărcător dedicat...mai mult
*Din cauza anumitor limitări ale telefoanelor mobile, utilizatorii pot fi nevoiti să conecteze telefonul mobil la PC înainte ca PC-ul să intre în modul S4/S5 pentru a se permite încărcarea rapidă de la un port USB fără ON/OFF Charge. Rezultatele încărcării pot varia în funcţie de model.
*Suportul pentru 3X USB power design poate varia în funcţie de model.
LAN Optimizer - utilitar pentru optimizarea inteligentă a managementului rețeleiGIGABYTE LAN Optimizer este proiectat pentru a permite utilizatorilor să administreze diferite tipuri de trafic de rețea astfel încât streamuri de date cum ar fi HD media, navigare pe internet sau gaming online să fie prioritizate în fața descărcărilor mari de date ce au tendința de a strangula lățimea de bandă totală.
GIGABYTE App CenterGIGABYTE App Center gives you easy access to wealth of GIGABYTE apps that help you get the most from your GIGABYTE motherboard. Using a simple, unified user interface, GIGABYTE App Center allows you to launch all GIGABYTE apps installed on your system.
GIGABYTE EasyTune provides a simple and easy-to-use interface that allows users to fine-tune their system settings. GIGABYTE Smart Fan 2 As well as offering more system fans than ever before, GIGABYTE 8 Series motherboards feature updated and improved CPU and system fan speed controls, with individual airflow and speed settings available via a dedicated digital controller. GIGABYTE Smart Fan 2 allows you to configure CPU fans and system fans. -
The new and updated GIGABYTE @BIOS app allows you to update your system's BIOS from within Windows using a simple and slick graphical user interface by automatically downloading the latest version from the GIGABYTE servers. -
GIGABYTE EZ SetupGIGABYTE EZ Setup combines several key utilities designed to simplify install and configuration procedures for several exclusive GIGABYTE apps including Disk Mode Switch, Smart Connect, EZ Rapid Start and EZ Smart response.

* Termenii HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, Imaginea comercială HDMI și Siglele HDMI sunt mărci comerciale sau mărci comerciale înregistrate ale HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc.
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* Perfomanţa prezentată este bazată pe valorile teoretice maxime ale interfeţei de la vendorii respectivi de Chipset-uri sau de la organizaţiile ce au definit specificaţiile interfeţei. Perfomanţele reale pot varia în funcţie de sistem.
* Toate mărcile inregistrate şi logo-urile sunt proprietatea deţinătorilor respectivi.
* Datorită arhitecturii standard PC, o anumită cantitate de memorie este rezervată pentru sistem şi de aceea mărimea actuală a memoriei este mai mică decât cea indicată.