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OpisWersjaRozmiarDataDo pobraniaThe NVIDIA App is the essential companion for PC gamers and creators. Keep your PC up to date with the latest NVIDIA drivers and technology.
OS: Windows 11 64bit,Windows 10 64bit10.0.3.163144,91 MBNov 28, 2024AORUS ENGINE
(RGB Fusion 2.0 included)
*For a complete user experience and compatibility, it is recommended to download and install GIGABYTE Control Center should the graphics card you purchased support this utility software.
Release Note:
- 1. Fixed compatibility issue with Gigabyte Control Center (GCC) by removing support for GCC compatible models:
- - AORUS Waterforce X 360
- - AORUS Waterforce X 280
- - AORUS Waterforce X 240
OS: Windows 8 64bit,Windows 8 32bit,Windows 7 64bit,Windows 7 32bit,Windows 11 64bit,Windows 10 64bit,Windows 10 32bit2.28164,73 MBJul 23, 2024