GA-X58A-UD7 (rev. 2.0)
Soporte y Descargas
Intel® X58 + ICH10R Chipset
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DescripciónVersiónTamañoFechaDescargaSmart Recovery2
(Note) Support Intel Z68/P67/H67/P55/H55/X58 series and AMD 9 series MB(support may vary by model).
S.O.: Windows 8.1 64bit,Windows 8.1 32bit,Windows 8 64bit,Windows 8 32bit,Windows 7 64bit,Windows 7 32bitB13.1104.147,31 MBJan 17, 2014AutoGreen
(Note) Support Intel Z68/P67/H67/H61/X58A/P55/H55/H57 and AMD AM3+/AM3/AM2+/AM2 series MB (support may vary by model).
S.O.: Windows XP 64bit,Windows XP 32bit,Windows Vista 64bit,Windows Vista 32bit,Windows 7 64bit,Windows 7 32bitB12.1220.16,06 MBJan 09, 2013Easy Tune6 (Intel)
(Note) Please remove current/ earlier version of EasyTune6 and GWUM Tools before install this.
S.O.: Windows XP 64bit,Windows XP 32bit,Windows Vista 64bit,Windows Vista 32bit,Windows 8 64bit,Windows 8 32bit,Windows 7 64bit,Windows 7 32bitB12.1122.142,59 MBNov 22, 2012XHD (eXtreme HardDrive)
(Note) Support Intel Z68/P67/H67/X58A/P55/H57 & AMD A75/A55/SB950/SB850 series MB.
S.O.: Windows XP 64bit,Windows XP 32bit,Windows Vista 64bit,Windows Vista 32bit,Windows 7 64bit,Windows 7 32bitB12.0509.17,96 MBMay 09, 2012Smart6
(Note) Support Intel Z68/P67/H67/H61/X58A/P55/H55/H57 series MB.
(Note) Whether SMART QuickBoost is supported depends on the motherboard model.
S.O.: Windows XP 64bit,Windows XP 32bit,Windows Vista 64bit,Windows Vista 32bit,Windows 7 64bit,Windows 7 32bitB11.1124.153,57 MBNov 24, 2011Dynamic Energy Saver™ 2
(Note) Support Intel Z68/P67/H67/X58/P55/H55/H57 series MB.
(Note) Please remove your current Dynamic Energy Saver Advanced Utility before install this.
S.O.: Windows XP 64bit,Windows XP 32bit,Windows Vista 64bit,Windows Vista 32bit,Windows 7 64bit,Windows 7 32bitB11.0916.114,51 MBOct 25, 2011@BIOS
(Note) Support Intel 5 series & earlier MB(support may vary by model)
(Note) Support AMD 800/700 series & earlier MB(support may vary by model)
S.O.: Windows XP 64bit,Windows XP 32bit,Windows Vista 64bit,Windows Vista 32bit,Windows Me,Windows 98,Windows 7 64bit,Windows 7 32bit,Windows 2000B11.1004.15,10 MBOct 04, 2011Cloud OC
(Note) Support Intel Z68/P67/H67/H61/P55/H55/H57/X58/P45/P43/G45/G43/G41 and AMD 900/800series MB(support may vary by model).
(Note) Only support Smart Phone
S.O.: Windows XP 64bit,Windows XP 32bit,Windows Vista 64bit,Windows Vista 32bit,Windows 7 64bit,Windows 7 32bitB11.0815.13,07 MBAug 16, 2011On/Off Charge
(Note) Support Intel X58/P55/H55/H57/P45/P43/G41 series (support may vary by model).
(Note) Please update the latest BIOS version.
S.O.: Windows XP 64bit,Windows XP 32bit,Windows Vista 64bit,Windows Vista 32bit,Windows 7 64bit,Windows 7 32bitB11.0110.11,61 MBJan 10, 2011
Lista de Soporte para CPUs