Compact Bluetooth® Laptop Laser Mouse
  • Bluetooth version 2.1 +EDR wireless technology
  • High-precision laser tracking system
  • 1600/ 800 DPI Adustable
  • Internet back & forward buttons
  • Smart low-power & sensitivity indicator
  • Bluetooth Version 2.1 +EDR Wireless Technology

    Bluetooth® 2.1 +EDR wireless technology supports adaptive frequency hopping, and its 79 channels allow faster, more stable connection, and a satisfying working range up to 10 meters.

  • GIGABYTE Accurate Laser Tracking System

    Equipped with GIGABYTE accurate laser tracking system, the mouse is so responsive and easy to control. When you are using the mouse, you will find it as smooth as it is engaging.

  • 800/1600 On-the-fly DPI Adjustable

    You may adjust DPI sensitivity anytime you want to by simply clicking DPI-adjusting button on the mouse.

  • Internet Backward & Forward buttons

    The side buttons near your thumb are the internet backward & forward keys. Use these keys when browsing web pages, and feel the convenience brought by them!

  • Stylish Design and Comfortable Grip

    M7700B stays true to one of GIGABYTE’s core concepts – ergonomic design. The mouse is designed exclusively for right-hand users. Rubber grip topped it off with the extraordinary hand-feeling, that is already more than satisfying to users.

  • Low-Power Indicator

    When the battery is low, the low-power indicator would blink for 5 seconds, and then turn off.

  • Hand-Comfort Guide
  • * Advertised performance is based on maximum theoretical interface values from respective Chipset vendors or organization who defined the interface specification. Actual performance may vary by system configuration.
* Materialele oferite aici sunt doar pentru referinţă. GIGABYTE îşi rezervă dreptul de a modifica sau revizui continutul oricând fără notificare prealabilă.
* Perfomanţa prezentată este bazată pe valorile teoretice maxime ale interfeţei de la vendorii respectivi de Chipset-uri sau de la organizaţiile ce au definit specificaţiile interfeţei. Perfomanţele reale pot varia în funcţie de sistem.
* Toate mărcile inregistrate şi logo-urile sunt proprietatea deţinătorilor respectivi.
* Datorită arhitecturii standard PC, o anumită cantitate de memorie este rezervată pentru sistem şi de aceea mărimea actuală a memoriei este mai mică decât cea indicată.