G1.Guerrilla (rev. 1.0)
- Industry leading 8 phase power VRM design with Dual Power Switching Technology
- 3-way SLI and 3-way CrossFireX multi-graphics support for ultimate graphics performance
- Featuring Bigfoot Networks Killer™ E2100 LAN onboard for Game Networking Platform
- Quick Boost button in rear panel enabling instantaneously overclocking
- 8 Channel HD audio featuring 108dB SNR and X-Fi and EAX 5.0 technology support
- Utilizing high capacity amplifier for professional audio usage
- Nichicon MUSE Audio Capacitors create the highest quality sound resolution and sound effects
- 5 sets Smart Fans strategically eliminate the thermal
- Driver MOS delivers the lower power loss and higher power efficiency
- Patented GIGABYTE DualBIOS™ now supports 3TB+ (terabytes) hard drive booting
- Locked and loaded heatpipe design
- Ultra Durable 3 Technology with copper cooled quality for lower working temperature
- Supports USB 3.0 both in front and rear with superfast transfer rates of up to 5 Gbps
- GIGABYTE 3x USB Power with On/Off Charge USB ports
- High speed SATA6Gbps storage interface with RAID
3-way CrossFireX™ and 3-way SLI™ SupportThe ability to see clearly through the fog of war can often tip the balance between the winning or losing force. That is why GIGABYTE has equipped the G1.Sniper motherboard to offer utmost graphics flexibility and upgradeability. With multiple GPU support, GIGABYTE G1.Sniper motherboard delivers maximum FPS (Frames Per Second), allowing gamers to see more clearly, aim faster, and move more quickly.
X-Fi Xtreme Fidelity™ and EAX® AHD 5.0™ TechnologiesBeing able to hear where your enemy is located before you see them can put you at a distinct advantage in most gaming situations. That is why GIGABYTE has rigged the G1.Guerrilla motherboard with the industry’s most advanced audio solutions all onboard; giving you the highest caliber audio experience. GIGABYTE G1.Guerrilla features X-Fi Xtreme Fidelity® and EAX® Advanced HD™ 5.0 technologies, allowing you to experience sound in your gaming world exactly as you would in real life.
108dB Signal-to-Noise ratio playbackG1.Guerrilla motherboard features higher capability audio solution with 108dB Signal-to-Noise ratio (SNR) playback quality to deliver high-performance, multi-channel HD audio. SNR is a comparison of the amount of signal to the amount of noise such as hiss present in the signal (expressed in Decibels). A higher SNR equals a better audio experience. For example, 108dB, is a high audio specification, as this means the audio signal is 108dB higher than the level of the noise.
Built-in Front Audio Headphone AmplifierSpecially designed for gamers, GIGABYTE G1.Assassin utilize a high capacity amplifier which is able to drive 150Ω loads, allowing gamers to enjoy a fuller range of dynamic sound with crisper details and less distortion when using high quality professional headphones. The amplifier also features wide band-width, low noise, high slew rate and low distortion, making it ideal for professional audio usage. In addition, GIGABYTE has equipped G1.Assassin motherboard with 4 additional amplifiers onboard for the center/sub woofer, rear speaker, side surround and line out.
Nichicon High-end Audio CapacitorsGIGABYTE G1.Assassin motherboard utilizes the highest quality Nichicon MUSE ES series and MW series Bi-Polarized audio capacitors at each channel layout. These professional audio capacitors deliver the highest quality sound resolution and sound expansion to create the most realistic sound effects for professional gamers.
Onboard Bigfoot Networks Killer™ E2100 Game Networking Platform
GIGABYTE is the only motherboard manufacturer to seriously address online gaming network lag issues by implementing the Bigfoot Networks Killer™ E2100 Game Networking Platform directly onboard the G1.Assassin motherboard. Utilizing a unique combination of dedicated Network Processing Unit (NPU) and exclusive Game Networking DNA™ technology, the Bigfoot Networks Killer™ E2100 Game Networking Platform was designed to give the best online gaming experience possible.
Killer™ E2100 Dedicated NPU
Dedicated Network Processing Unit (NPU) with 1Gb of dedicated DDR2 memory helps offload network traffic from the CPU, freeing it up to do other important computing tasks.
Game Networking DNA™
Bigfoot Network’s exclusive Game Networking DNA™ software offloads gaming data directly to the NPU by bypassing the Windows Network Stack, delivering tremendous speed benefits which allow you to move quicker, shoot faster and win bigger.Up to 10X Faster
Whether you’re playing MMOs or first-person shooters, the Bigfoot Networks Killer™ E2100 game networking platform delivers up to 10X faster networking performance for a whole new level of online gaming performance.Killer™ Network Manager
Built from the ground up to give unequalled speed, intelligence and control over online game data, the Killer Network Manager shows the health and performance of G1.Assassin motherboard, and gives gamers the controls to optimize it.Killer Network Manager's Applications Tab uses Bigfoot Network's exclusive Visual Bandwidth
Control™ Technology to enable users to see how much bandwidth they’re using and what applications are using it. Bigfoot’s Advanced Game Detect™ technology will keep the current game at top priority and give it all the bandwidth it needs while users continue to download.
Front Access Control PanelAs part of its box kit, the G1.Guerrilla motherboard features a convenient Front Access Control Panel that allows quick and easy access to 2 USB 3.0 ports
Additional Back Panel Features
Power eSATA for quick connectivity to external drives. Quick Boost button allowing gamers to instantaneously overclock their system with single press of a botton.
SATA 3.0 (6Gbps) and USB 3.0When you're behind enemy lines, intelligence data latency can get you killed. That is why GIGABYTE G1.Assassin motherboard provides ultra fast data transfer performance with onboard integration of the latest SuperSpeed USB 3.0 for up to 8 ports (4 front panel, 4 back panel), SATA Revision 3.0 (6Gbps) technologies from Marvell, and an unprecedented 3x USB power boost on all USB ports for the most power hungry USB devices.
Locked and Loaded Heatpipe Design
The GIGABYTE G1.Assassin features a brand new heatpipe that was designed to be as deadly to heat as it looks. By effectively spreading the heat from the critical areas of the motherboard such as the CPU VRM zone and quickly dissipating it, GIGABYTE G1.Assassin motherboard remain cool, even when the battle heats up.Modeled after the common firearms issued to soldiers deployed to a warzone including pistol, rifle and ammo clip, the Locked and Loaded heatpipe design utilizes a unique fluting technology similar to a rifle barrel fluting, which allows for maximum heat dispersion.
5 Smart Fan ConnectorsFurther helping to eliminate heat are the 5 strategically placed Smart Fan pin headers which allow for more precise control of system and CPU fans. Equipped with their own individual thermal sensors, the Smart Fans can be easily controlled via GIGABYTE’s EasyTune™ 6 utility as well as in the BIOS.
Ultra Durable 3Design-ul GIGABYTE Ultra Durable 3, cu 2 uncii (57g) de cupru atât pentru stratul de alimentare cât şi pentru stratul de masă, reduce dramatic temperatura sistemului prin disiparea mai bună a căldurii din zonele critice ale plăcii de bază cum ar fi zona de alimentare CPU, prin toata placa de bază. GIGABYTE Ultra Durable 3 reduce de asemenea impedanţa PCB cu 50%, ceea ce ajuta la reducerea pierderilor de curent şi coboara şi mai mult temperatura componentelor. Un design cu 2 uncii (57g) de cupru îmbunătăţeşte calitatea semnalului şi reduce EMI (Electromagnetic Interference), oferind o mai bună stabilitate a sistemului şi margini mai bune pentru overclocking...more
Maximum CPU Power DeliveryLike the pistons and cylinders of a car engine, the design of the motherboard Voltage Regulator Module (VRM), component quality and number of power phases greatly affects motherboard performance. GIGABYTE engineers were first to realize not only the importance of using the best quality components for this critical area, but also that with more power phases, there can be more power available to your CPU. With their industry-leading power design featuring the new VRD 12 (Voltage Regulator Down) specification, Dual CPU Power and Driver MOSFETs, GIGABYTE G1.Sniper motherboard delivers the best-in-class system performance and power stability required for elite gaming systems.
Dual CPU PowerGIGABYTE's proprietary Dual CPU Power Technology allows CPU VRM power phases to split evenly into 2 sets of power engines that operate in tandem. This allows 1 set of power phases to rest while the other is active as opposed to a traditional power design where all the power phases are always active. As such, GIGABYTE Dual CPU Power effectively halves the amount of work done by each set of power phases to significantly increase motherboard durability and reliability.
Driver MOSFETsBy incorporating the MOSFETs and driver IC in accordance with the Intel ® Driver MOSFET specification, GIGABYTE G1-Assaissin motherboard allows higher power transfer and increased efficiency at higher switching frequencies to satisfy the power requirements of modern processors. Driver MOSFETs also help to reduce VRM real estate requirements for a cleaner, less cluttered CPU zone.
Suport DualBIOS™ 3TB+ HDD (tehnologie Hybrid EFI)Tehnologia Hybrid EFI combină beneficiile platformelor BIOS mature de la GIGABYTE ce includ stabilitate şi compatibilitate cu produse 3rd party, cu suportul pentru HDD-urile 3TB+ oferit de tehnologia EFI. Astfel, GIGABYTE ofera ce este mai bun din ambele cu ajutorul unui update rapid şi uşor de BIOS folosind utilitarul GIGABYTE @BIOS ce este disponibil gratuit pe site-ul GIGABYTE.
GIGABYTE DualBIOS™ este o tehnologie patentată ce recuperează automat datele din BIOS când BIOS-ul principal s-a defectat. Prin folosirea a 2 cip-uri fizice BIOS ROM integrate onboard, GIGABYTE DualBIOS™ permite o recuperare rapidă și ușoară după coruperea sau defectarea BIOS-ului datorită virușilor sau unui update incorect de BIOS. În plus, GIGABYTE DualBIOS™ suportă acum boot de pe hard disk-uri de 3TB sau mai mari fără a fi nevoie de partiționare, și oferă astfel siguranța folosirii de unități de stocare de mare volum cu un singur drive. -
G1-Killer™ CPU-ZG1-Killer™ CPU-Z este o versiune GIGABYTE G1-Killer special înarmată a aplicației de detectare hardware CPU-Z, ce ofera detalii asupra procesorului, memoriei și plăcii de bază, toate împachetate într-o interfață mai apropiată de instinctele de killer. Apasă aici pentru descărcare.

* Termenii HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, Imaginea comercială HDMI și Siglele HDMI sunt mărci comerciale sau mărci comerciale înregistrate ale HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc.
* Materialele oferite aici sunt doar pentru referinţă. GIGABYTE îşi rezervă dreptul de a modifica sau revizui continutul oricând fără notificare prealabilă.
* Perfomanţa prezentată este bazată pe valorile teoretice maxime ale interfeţei de la vendorii respectivi de Chipset-uri sau de la organizaţiile ce au definit specificaţiile interfeţei. Perfomanţele reale pot varia în funcţie de sistem.
* Toate mărcile inregistrate şi logo-urile sunt proprietatea deţinătorilor respectivi.
* Datorită arhitecturii standard PC, o anumită cantitate de memorie este rezervată pentru sistem şi de aceea mărimea actuală a memoriei este mai mică decât cea indicată.