Firmware & Cooler Library Update SOP
Step 1: Hardware Installation
- Make sure the device's SATA power and USB cable is connected per setup instructions
Step 2: Downoad Gigabyte Control Center (GCC)
- https://www.gigabyte.com/Consumer/Software/GIGABYTE-Control-Center/global/
Step 3: Install and Open GCC
Step 4: Update Library
i. Click the check update icon indicated by the picture below
ii. Select Gigabyte cooler library update to (or later version)
iii. Click Install and GCC will restart to begin the update
Step 5: Starting the Firmware Update
i. Select the check update icon again
ii. Check if a new Firmware version is available
iii. Select the latest firmware update and click install - GCC will download the latest firmware, then restart to begin the firmware update process
Step 6: Firmware Update
A CMD window will appear, press [Enter] to begin the installation, example below:
Wait until the programming complete at 100%, do not interrupt the process by shutting down the system, unplugging the device(s), and or close the update window.
Step 7: Firmware Update (cont.)
An important notice will pop up, press OK to agree to the installation
Step 8: Firmware Update (cont.)
The watercooler display will display several rows of white text on a black background during the flashing process, example below:
*This process will take several minutes, please do not interrupt the process by unplugging the device or powering down the system
Step 9: Firmware update completion
After the flashing process has been completed, the AORUS Watercooler startup animation will play, indicating that the update has been completed