- 支援超執行緒技術 Pentium®4 處理器
- 支援高效能DDR333記憶體以提昇系統效能
- 內建SiS最新real 256位元3D繪圖引擎
- 內建AC97音效晶片
- 支援UDMA ATA 133 IDE設備
- 提供6組高速USB 2.0 連接埠
- 內建10/100Mb乙太網路功能
- 技嘉科技獨特的Ez-Fix AGP 插槽
IntroductionGA-8SIMLH (Rev 3.x) is a valuable motherboard with the latest technology thus providing excellent performance and plenty features for Pentium 4 based computer. Equipped with latest SiS651 and SiS962L chipset, this platform delivers superior system performance and plenty features. GA-8SIMLH (Rev 3.x) is the most up-to-date integrated solution and good for all kind of application.
Supports Intel® Hyper-Threading TechnologyGA-8VM800PMD-775支援具超執行緒技術的Intel Pentium 4處理器,其速度可達3.06GHz或更高,此作業平台提供較以往更強大的效能、創造力及處理能力。
Integrated Real 256-Bit 3D/128-Bit 2D Graphic EnginesWith the integrated 3D/2D Graphic Engines, video accelerator and MPEGI/MPEGII Video Decoder, GA-8SIMLH (Rev 3.x) is able to provide a quality graphic interface for all kind of 2D/3D graphic and video application for the Intel Pentium 4 based PC systems.
Supports DDR 333/266 up to 2GB MemoryAvailable with 2 DIMM slots support up to 2GB DDR333/266, providing you the highest performance with the high bandwidth (2.7GB/s), high-volume and mainstream DDR memory solution.
Great Expandability of 6 USB 2.0 portsUSB 2.0介面的資料傳輸頻寬可達480Mbps,是USB1.1的40倍;提供電腦週邊設備更加快速的連接介面。
Integrated Ethernet 10/100Mb Network ConnectionProvides high-quality Ethernet 10/100Mb performance for value-minded users who need straightforward network connectivity. Ensure a high-speed, stable solution for new broadband era.
Integrated AC97 AudioThrough AC97 audio output experiencing the realistic audio in the digital audio world that fulfills any audio applications.
EasyTune™ 4 - User Friendly Overclocking Utility技嘉科技推出方便使用者操作的EasyTune™ 4,讓消費者執行超頻時更加輕鬆並愉快。
Norton Internet Security™ IncludedNorton Internet Security 2002 is the essential protection from viruses, hackers, and privacy threats. It protects user during the online activities such as e-mailing, shopping, banking, and game playing.

* HDMI、HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface、HDMI 商業外觀及 HDMI 識別標章等詞彙均為 HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc. 的商標或註冊商標。
* 以上產品之規格、圖片及其他資訊僅供參考,如與實際產品有任何不相符之處,應以實際產品為準。技嘉科技保留在任何時間做出修改之權利。對任何因使用上述資料而引致之損失,技嘉科技概不承擔任何責任。
* 本產品所標示之各項效能表現為各晶片廠商或各制定介面官方組織所提出的最大理論值,實際效能可能因規格及設備而有所不同。
* 本文中所使用之各項商標及企業識別圖示,均為其合法所有人之財產。
* 基於PC基本架構,有部分記憶體空間須留作系統用途,故所偵測到之記憶體大小會比實際上較少。