IntroductionThe 7VT600-RZC is one of the motherboards offered in Gigabyte's new RZ series. The RZ series line focuses on reliability, real performance and right value (The Three R's) to provide a total package at an affordable price. The 7VT600-RZC is based on the VIA Apollo KT600 chipset and is a great solution for the AMD Athlon™ XP 400FSB processor. Equipped with plenty of features, the 7VT600-RZC delivers a full-functioning platform with excellent performance. The Apollo KT600 is furnished with a complete set of today's cutting-edge features combined with VIA's FastStream64™ memory controller technology for superior performance. As well, both a DDR400 memory support and a 400MHz processor bus unleash the full power of the AMD Athlon™ XP processor. The AGP 8X graphics is built to push the most powerful graphics accelerator to its limit an in addition, USB 2.0 and 6-channel audio are provided for a complete platform in both the home and office environment.
RZ Series MotherboardThe RZ motherboard series is founded on the motto of Reliability, Real Performance and Right value (Three R's) and is dedicated to providing users with a complete featured platform at a very competitive and affordable price.
Supports AMD AthlonTM XP 400MHz FSB ProcessorThis platform enhances system responsiveness and fully utilizes the intense computing power of the AMD AthlonTM XP processor by supporting the highest CPU frequency and system bandwidth.
Superb Bandwidth AGP 8X Graphics InterfaceAGP8X the new generation VGA interface specification that enables enhanced graphics performance with high bandwidth speeds up to 2.12GB/s. With a bus of 533MHz, AGP8X is twice as fast as AGP4X.
DDR400 Memory SupportWith double the bandwidth of your system memory and hence boosts the system performance to out perform any memory existing solutions in the market. The GA-8I865G775-G-RH allows you to handle memory-intensive tasks with ease.
Great Expandability of 8 USB 2.0 PortsUSB 2.0 interface, with data transfer rate up to 480Mbps, is 40 times faster than USB1.1, providing a faster interface for computer peripherals.
6-Channel AudioIntegrated Realtek ALC662 audio CODEC chip, enabling users to experience the seamless high quality 6-channel audio while watching movies or gaming
Norton Internet Security™ IncludedNorton Internet Security™ 2004 is the essential protection from viruses, hackers, and privacy threats that may occur during online activities such as e-mailing, shopping, banking, and game play.

* Výrazy HDMI, HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interface, vizuální podoba HDMI a loga HDMI jsou ochranné známky nebo registrované ochranné známky společnosti HDMI Licensing Administrator, Inc.
* Veškeré zde uvedené materiály jsou pouze orientační. GIGABYTE si vyhrazuje právo kdykoliv měnit nebo revidovat obsah a to bez předchozího upozornění.
* Zmiňovaný výkon je založený na maximálních teoretických hodnotách z rozhraní jednotlivých čipsetů dodavatelů nebo organizace, která definovala specifikaci jednotlivých rozhraní. Skutečný výkon se může lišit v závislosti na konfiguraci systému.
* Všechny ochranné známky a loga jsou vlastnictvím jejich příslušných vlastníků.
* Díky standardní architektuře PC je určité množství paměti vyhrazeno pro systém, proto může být skutečná velikost dostupné paměti nižší než uvedené množství.