
  • Légèreté pour joueurs professionnels
  • Capteur optique 6200 DPI
  • Switch Omron 50 millions de clics
  • RGB Fusion 2.0 - Synchronisation des effets lumineux avec autres produits AORUS
  • Conception ambidextre pour prises paume et griffe
  • Boutons latéraux de chaque côté.
  • Ajustements DPI à la volée
* Product specifications and product appearance may differ from country to country. We recommend that you check with your local dealers for the specifications and appearance of the products available in your country. Colors of products may not be perfectly accurate due to variations caused by photographic variables and monitor settings so it may vary from images shown on this site. Although we endeavor to present the most accurate and comprehensive information at the time of publication, we reserve the right to make changes without prior notice.