GA-X150M-PRO ECC (rev. 1.0)
Intel® C232 Chipset

- تدعم معالجات Xeon® E3-1200 v5/E3-1200 v6 و الجيل السادس والسابع من معالجات Core™/ Pentium/®/ Celeron® من إنتل
- 4 واجهات ذاكرة DIMM لتركيب وحدات ذاكرة ECC, Non-ECC, Un-buffered DDR4 ثنائية المسار
- تركيب 2 كارت جرافيك مع قنوات توصيل فائقة الجودة لواجهات PCIe
- واجهة PCIe Gen3 x4 M.2 لسرعة نقل بيانات تصل إلى 32Gb/s (دعم PCIe NVMe و SATA SSD)
- واجهات SATA Express لسرعة نقل بيانات تصل إلى 16Gb/s
- شريحة شبكة Intel® GbE مع برنامج cFosSpeed لزيادة سرعة الإنترنت
- صوت فائق الوضوح ذى 8 قنوات صوتية مع مكثفات صوتية عالية الجودة
- خاصية منع التشوش الصوتى ذات المسار المميز بإضاءة LED
- تقنية UEFI DualBIOS™ من جيجابايت
Built for Professionals
GIGABYTE Professional Motherboards
GIGABYTE Professional Motherboards, part of GIGABYTE’s award-winning Ultra Durable lineup, embrace a range of exclusive technologies that guarantee our customers the absolute best protection for their PC, such as built-in features that prevent common malfunctions users encounter on a day-to-day basis.
GIGABYTE’s factory and testing facility at Nanping, Taiwan uses the latest in quality control measures to ensure that our products meet the highest standards for stability and reliability.
To ensure GIGABYTE Ultra Durable Motherboards are able to work with various computer components out in the market, GIGABYTE also runs a barrage of tests on each GIGABYTE Ultra Durable Motherboard model with a variety of different components on a base system during the R&D stage to provide customers the highest stability and the best compatibility while maintaining high performance under long term usage.
Professionals need systems that are stable and reliable as system failures means money lost. GIGABYTE’s industry leading standards of quality control and testing means that you can rest assured that GIGABYTE’s Professional Motherboards will not fail when you need them the most. -
Define Your Professional Platform
لوحات جيجابايت فائقة التحمل
تدعم سلسلة لوحات جيجابايت الرئيسية C232 معالجات Xeonv E3-1200 v5 و الجيل السادس من معالجات Core™ i3/Pentium®/Celeron® من إنتل و بذلك توفر أداء أكثر قوة ً و خصائص أكثر تطوراً لحاسبك الجديد. -
Fast Onboard Storage with 32Gb/s M.2
Next Generation SATA ExpressSATA Express combines the benefits of PCI Express and SATA to provide much higher bandwidth, featuring data transfer rates of up to 16Gb/s.
The above photos are for reference only. -
ECC Memory SupportGIGABYTE R&D completes hundreds of functional checklists on each Ultra Durable Product, including, but not limited to CPU/Memory Compatibility, Expansion slot, Input/Output function, and Power Stability.
To run Performance Testing, GIGABYTE prepares several benchmark programs such as 3DMark, Specviewperf (specifically for Nvidia Quadro), and PCMark to make GIGABYTE Ultra Durable Motherboards compliant with GIGABYTE and Vendor Partner Performance Standards.
* ECC (Error Correcting Code Memory)
** Capable of supporting ECC memory modules with Intel Xeon E3 processors.
2-Way CrossFire™ Multi-GraphicsMulti-graphics configuration offers better graphics performance for gaming enthusiasts who demand the highest frame rates without compromising on resolution.
Intel® GbE LAN with cFosSpeedIntel® GbE LAN features cFosSpeed, a network traffic management application which helps to improve network latency, maintaining low ping times to deliver better responsiveness in a crowded LAN environments.
High Quality Onboard Audio DesignDelivers high quality sound resolution and sound expansion to create the most realistic sound effects for professional gamers.
High Quality Audio Capacitors Audio Noise Guard with LED Trace Path Lighting
Gold Plated CPU Socket DesignGIGABYTE motherboards come equipped with a gold plated CPU socket, which means that enthusiasts can enjoy absolute reliability and longevity for the CPU socket overtime, without having any concerns about corroded pins or bad contacts.
GIGABYTE Patented DualBIOS™ (UEFI) DesignGIGABYTE Ultra Durable™ motherboards feature GIGABYTE DualBIOS™, an exclusive technology from GIGABYTE that protects arguably one of your PC's most crucial components, the BIOS. GIGABYTE DualBIOS™ means that your motherboard has both a 'Main BIOS' and a 'Backup BIOS', making users protected from BIOS failure due to virus attack, hardware malfunction, improper OC settings or power failure during the update process.

* يراجتلا رهظملاو ،HDMI High-Definition Multimedia Interfaceو ،HDMI تاحلطصم دعُ ت HDMI Licensing ةكرشل ةلجسم ةيراجت تاملاع وأ ةيراجت تاملاع ،HDMI تاراعشو ،HDMI Administrator, Inc.
* كل المعلومات المذكورة للاطلاع فقط. وتحتفظ جيجابايت بالحق في تعديلها أو مراجعتها في أي وقت دون اخطار مسبق.
* مستوى الأداء المعروض اعتماداً على أقصي القيم الافتراضية للواجهات والتي زودنا بها المصنعين المختلفين والذين وضعوا المعايير القياسية لهذه الواجهات. وقد يختلف مستوى الأداء الفعلي باختلاف مواصفات الحاسب.
* كل العلامات التجارية والشعارات هي ملك لحامليها.
* نظرأً لخصائص الحاسب القياسية، فإن قدراً من السعة الكلية للذاكرة يتم استخدامه من قبل الحاسب ولذلك تصبح سعة الذاكرة الحقيقية أقل من السعة المذكورة على وحدات الذاكرة.