No More Waiting, the 815 is Here GIGABYTE Introduces Intel 815 uATX Socket 370 motherboard, GA-6OMM7
Nov 07, 2000

June 5, 2000, Taipei, Taiwan – Giga-Byte TechnologyCo., Ltd. ( today announcesGA-6OMM7 motherboard. The universal socket 370with 3 DIMMs design motherboard based on the newIntel 815 chipset. Intel 815 chipset supports many newfeatures, like 133MHz FSB (Front Side Bus), PC 133SDRAM, 4X AGP, AC 97 (Software audio), andintegrated graphics.
In addition to these advanced features alreadysupported by Intel 815 chipset, GA-6OMM7 alsoadded many features to meet your requirement nowand extend to the future. These improvements arePC 99 color coded I/O connector, LDCM, SIV, health monitoring hardware,adjustable CPU core voltage, and variable front side bus speed setting viaWindows based utility Easy Tune III, @ BIOS (Instant BIOS update throughinternet), Smart card reader connector to support GSM phone book editor utility,GA-6OMM7 also ship with AGP 4X retention mechanism. With all these advancedfeatures on the Giga-Byte GA-6OMM7 motherboard, it gives you the futurecomputing power today.
GA-6OMM7 has the Intel 815 chipset with the 133MHz-system clock (with ability toadjust the voltage and set the system bus up to much higher frequency via utility)and supports Intel FC-PGA Pentium III family Processor chips from 500MHz all theway up to 1GHz with universal socket 370. The GA-6OMM7 has main bus clockspeed of 66/100/133 MHz, a clock multiplier of 3.0 / 3.5 /4.0 / 4.5 / 5.0/ 5.5 all theway up to 9.5. On this motherboard it has 3 PC133, 168 pin DIMM sockets,supports 133MHz SDRAM memory module from 32MB to 512MB, with amaximum total memory of 512MB. What a great combination, it's right on thecutting edge. To go on, there are one 4X AGP slot with AGP 4X retentionmechanism (to keep your AGP card from popping out during shipping) for yourdemanding 3D Video application or for AIMM display cache expansion, one AMRslot for your software modem, and three PCI slots to give you the maximumexpansion flexible. It supports 2 UDMA/66 IDE ports (up to 4 Ultra ATA 66Devices), two USB Ports to satisfy the up trend of the USB devices, PS/2 mouse and keyboard.
There is support on the main board for 3 fans speed detection, 1 CPU, 1 powersupply fan, and 1 case fan. There is a sensor under the processor, which is incontact with the processor. It will sense the temperature of the CPU and send it tothe CMOS for you to see. You can set your limits on the temperature and have itgive you an alarm if it’s beyond that setting. The good thing did not stop here;this board also can detect the power supply voltage, CPU voltage, and also the fanrotation speed. All this information not only can be found inside the CMOSsetting, it also can be displayed under Windows 95/98 and Windows NT byrunning the Gigabyte's SIV (System Information Viewer) or the Intel's LDCM(LANDesk Client Manager) software. With all these System Health monitoringfunctions added to this board, you never have to worry about your system will faildue to CPU overheat. There is also a buzzer built on the board, so you don't haveto use the case speaker. Keyboard, mouse, LAN, RTC Alarm, and Modem Ringcan power the computer up.
Over all, if you are looking for the replacement of the Intel 440BX product, look nofurther here it come!