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Sep 16, 2008
The fan on the GV-NX85T256HP does not work accordingly, will this effect the performance of the VGA card when higher temperatures are reached due to heavy workload?
The GV-NX85T256HP is equipped with 3D-Active Fan a NEW Gigabyte Fan technology. 3D-Active Fan will not operate under non-3D instruction-executing environment, this feature allows the system to be more energy-efficient and prolongs fan life. When the system is instructed with 3D-operations the 3D-Active Fan will operate automatically to enhance VGA card performance. HOWEVER if users wishes to keep the fan working under anytime , PLEASE DOWNLOAD THE FOLLOWING BIOS: version--F4A / version--F20A
Please select the VGA BIOS according to the [LOT.NO.] on the back of graphic card.
If the last code of LOT NO is letter A or B, or number 1 behind letter A or B, which means the last two codes are A1 or B1, please download F4 BIOS.
If the last code of LOT NO is number 2 behind letter A or B, which means the last two codes are A2 or B2, please download F20 BIOS.

Please select the VGA BIOS according to the [LOT.NO.] on the back of graphic card.
If the last code of LOT NO is letter A or B, or number 1 behind letter A or B, which means the last two codes are A1 or B1, please download F4 BIOS.
If the last code of LOT NO is number 2 behind letter A or B, which means the last two codes are A2 or B2, please download F20 BIOS.