AMD Athlon processor identification

Instability problem between New AMD Slot A Athlon processor and VIA KX 133 based motherboard.

Warning !
Do not use New AMD Athlon processor on VIA KX133 based motherboard, GA-7VX, GA-7VM.
Use the New AMD Athlon processor on VIA KX 133 based motherboard might lead to system instability.
According to AMD: The (NEW) AMD Athlon processor featuring performance-enhancing cache memory is primarily intended to ship in Socket A motherboards that use the VIA KT 133 chipset, or Slot A motherboard that use the AMD 750 chipset. (Like GA-7IXE)
The VIA KX133 chipset is designed to work with the current version of the AMD Athlon processor in the Slot A module Only.

For further information and explanation. Please link to following :

How to distinguish AMD Athlon (512KB L2 cache) Processor from AMD Athlon (256KB L2 cache) Processor by their serial No.�H

The serial No. on the face of Processor is different.

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