Seek Solutions & Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Apr 16, 2012
Is there any limitation to setup NVIDIA Surround on GeForce GTX 680 GPU?
The GeForce GTX 680 supports two DVI connectors, one HDMI connector, and one DisplayPort connector. Now supported on a single GPU, with up to three gaming monitors plus one accessory display.
In 2D Surround, gamers can use any of the four display connectors to power their Surround setup, and the fourth display connector for the Accessory Display.
In 3D Vision Surround, each monitor must be an identical make and model, and you must use three matching digital connectors. In addition, any monitor connected to the DisplayPort output must use a DisplayPort to Dual-Link DVI adapter so that all three monitors are using Dual-Link DVI. For more information about how to setup Surround on the GeForce GTX 680, please visit NVIDIA official website.