GIGABYTE Announces ViA KX133 Athlon Motherboard
Nov 07, 2000

Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd, one of the world'sleading high performance motherboard manufacturers,has done it again with its new model, GA-7VX, theoutstanding Slot A ATX form factor motherboardadopted the latest K7 supported chipset from VIA, theKX133.
With capability to support 133MHz SDRAM memory,200 MHz FSB (Front Side Bus), and the latest Slot A(0.18 micro) Athlon® processor from AMD, thesefeatures make this motherboard ready to reach andbreak the 1GHz barrier. Designed to support 4X AGPgraphics accelerator this chipset from VIA provide thepossibility to explore the latest and greatest 4X AGP graphics accelerator cards onthe market now and in the future. This new VIA chipset also supports softwaremodem interface, the AMR slot, and software audio (AC 97). The Ultra DMA 66 BusMaster interface provides an excellent and faster connection for IDE devices.
Designed as the Slot A, ATX form factor and latest VIA KX133 chipset to supportAMD Athlon® processor with half speed 512KB L2 cache in SECC configuration. TheMemory speed of GA-7VX motherboard can be set to auto detects or manually tomemory 133 MHz and supports Athlon® processor up to and beyond 1GHz. It alsosupports many power-up features like power up by modem and LAN card. GA-7VXincludes 4 USB port, 2 channel Ultra DMA 66 Bus Master IDE ports, 5 PCI 2.2compliant slots, 1 AGP 4x slot, 1 ISA slots, 1AMR and 3 DIMM sockets to supportPC133 compliant SDRAM. GA-7VX not only support all the default features from thisnew VIA chipset, it also has many added feature from Giga-Byte. These include ourpatented and award-winning technology DualBIOSTM (optional), the most advancepower management scheme Suspend to RAM (STR), and EAX, the game lover'schoice, supported hardware audio chip Creative CT 5880 (AKA SB PCI 128). It isthe perfect choice for AMD Athlon® multimedia system.
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