Gigabyte Announces the Best Stability and Price Performance VIA 694T Based GA-6VTXE Motherboard
Sep 12, 2001

GA-6VTXE provided threeSDRAM slots supporting up to1.5GB memory size. Five PCIslots are also included to allowfuture expandability to yoursystem. The AGP port supportsAGP 4X graphics card, iscompatible to AGP 4X mode and backward compatible to AGP 2X mode. Theadd-on VGA card can be installed if required. It also comes with one AMR slot,offers a powerful alternative to support MODEM and LAN functions by installingadd-on AMR card.
With VIA 686B Chip, GA-6VTXE will provide a system with high stability andexpandability. With the capability to support latest UDMA ATA-100 IDE mode,provides a transmission rate up to 100 Megabyte per second. Two of theGigabyte patented technologies, Easy Tune IIITM and @BIOS utility, were bundled in GA-6VTXE to ensure your PC always stays in best and up-to-dateperformance. Different from other traditional overclocking methods, Easy TuneIIITM doesn't require users to change neither BIOS nor hardware setting bydismantling your PC, only require simple click in current screen. This is anunrivaled overclock utility suitable for both normal and experienced users.Besides, the amazing BIOS live update utility allows you to download the BIOSthrough Internet.
GA-6VTXE motherboard meets your entire requirements in terms of futureexpandability and system upgrade. With the attractive price, GA-6VTXE isdefinitely worth your consideration in creating a high performance and costeffective platform.
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