Your Future of Computing Should Be AI Cloud Ready

In a modern society where business decisions are driven by data, the introduction of AI has become a key technology for today's enterprises to improve organizational efficiency, reduce costs, and increase revenue. The ability to leverage the convenience of cloud services to quickly and effectively import AI is also an urgent topic for enterprises pursuing digital transformation.


One-stop AI Solution That Determines Your Digital Transformation Success

Your AI platform should be run on a system that allows you to effectively accelerate your data preparation, train AI at large scale, optimize for inference, and at the same time, providing end-to-end, cloud native AI platform for flexible deployment from enterprise data centers to public cloud – practically anywhere!

Systems Designed to Accelerate AI Projects

GIGABYTE is the NO.1 server partner in NVIDIA-qualified programs, holding one of the most number of servers that can seamlessly integrate NVIDIA accelerator cards and NVIDIA AI Enterprise software. These ready-to-deploy systems can be executed on public cloud and common virtualization and container platforms of VMware and Red Hat, and are certified and optimized as one-stop solutions which can deliver infrastructure that can handle a diverse range of accelerated workloads.

Visionaries Who Found Success with Our AI servers

GIGABYTE’s server products and solutions have been chosen by academia, science institutes, government affiliations, and global companies big and small. GIGABYTE’s quality and patented design are trusted by pioneers and have been enabling digital transformation, scientific breakthroughs, and technology innovations for more than 20 years.

More Things to Know About AI Cloud

【臺灣雲端大會】如何報名 GIGABYTE 的主題議程?

請點選立即報名,前往雲端大會官網進行報名,並選擇議程【GIGABYTE 伺服器解決方案】啟動企業邁向人工智慧應用的一站式解決方案。當天請準時至議程教室,與我們一起掌握企業人工智慧轉型的成功關鍵,現場攤位並展示 GPU 高性能伺服器,歡迎參觀交流。

【臺灣雲端大會】若無法於現場參與 GIGABYTE 的主題議程,有開放線上觀看嗎?

議程為現場活動,僅開放給有成功報名的民眾,若您當天無法參加/前往,可以訂閱 GIGABYTE 的趨勢電子報,會後我們將精選議程內容寄送給您,掌握 GIGABYTE 最新資訊與內容。

【Solution】 What are NVIDIA-certified systems, and why is it critical to your success in AI?

GIGABYTE's NVIDIA-Certified servers enable enterprises to confidently deploy hardware solutions that securely and optimally run their modern accelerated workloads. The certification process exercises the performance and functionality of a configured server by running a set of software that represents a wide range of real-world applications in data science, visualization, and high-performance computing. Learn more about NVIDIA-certified systems.

【Tech Guide】What is private cloud, and is it right for you?

A private cloud is also known as a corporate or internal cloud. It is cloud infrastructure built specifically to provide “isolated access” in a “single-tenant environment”—in lay terms, this means it is accessible only to a single entity, which is usually the organization that is using and maintaining the cloud. You may learn more about adopting the right cloud strategy for your purposes.

【Tech Guide】What is High-performance computing?

The acronym “HPC” represents “high performance computing”. It refers broadly to a category of advanced computing that handles a larger amount of data, performs a more complex set of calculations, and runs at higher speeds than your average personal computer. You may read our [Setting the Record Straight: What is HPC? A Tech Guide by GIGABYTE] to learn more about the advantage of HPC and real-case scenario of enterprises using GIGABYTE HPCs to achieve their goals. 

【INDUSTRY Solutions】Looking for more technologies and applications in other industries?

GIGABYTE provides professional know-how and has a track record of successes for businesses to thrive in the industries of tomorrow. You may find our many solutions for different industries, and also view their scenario in 3D.