Cloud Computing | 雲端運算

  • 雲端運算是什麼?
    簡單地說,雲端運算(Cloud Computing)就是通過互聯網(雲)向使用者或組織(伺服器、儲存、資料庫、網路、軟體、分析、人工智慧等)提供運算資源。雲端運算通常基於虛擬化技術快速部署資源或獲得服務。

    雲端運算服務可以通過公有雲、私有雲或混合雲提供幾種不同的方式運作。公有雲運算由擁有實體資料中心的協力廠商服務提供者(如Amazon Web Service、Microsoft Azure 或 Google Cloud)提供,他們擁有實體伺服器硬體,然後通過安全的互聯網連接線上銷售這些資源。在私有雲中,企業通過虛擬伺服器上運行任意數量的可用實體電腦上的應用程式,在自己的資料中心內構建雲。混合雲運算則是私有雲運算和公有雲雲算服務混合使用。

    作為 RightScale's 2018 State of the Cloud report的一部分,針對 997 名 IT 專業人員進行了深入調查,瞭解他們採用雲基礎架構和相關技術,有96% 的受訪者表示,在運行企業的各種服務時都使用了雲端運算的技術,不管是公有雲、私有雲或是混和雲。

  • 你為什麼需要它?誰需要它?
    雲端運算非常方便而且經濟 – 由於利用運算/儲存/網路資源的使用者不需要受限於空間距離而在定位在硬體周圍,因此硬體可以放在於遠端位置(易於維護且成本更低,甚至"外包"給公有雲供應商(如Amazon、微軟或Google等)。使用者和運算資源之間不需要任何特殊的硬體、無線網路連接或基礎設施,只需通過互聯網使用它即可。此外,因為使用者可以從任何位置遠端存取,透過在中心位置匯集處理,可以更有效率地分享和調配資源。相較於使用各自的實體電腦,雲端運算的方式可以節省更多的硬體資源。

    雲端運算要使用公有雲或私有雲、或是將兩者結合起來將取決於許多不同的因素。公有雲服務具有極高的成本效益,因為無須自行購買或維護硬體。使用者只需要為他們實際用到的運算資源付費,達成更大的彈性。 私有雲則可確保組織管理監控自己的資料安全,這些要求對於醫療和金融服務等有高度安全、隱私和適法性的行業中是必要的。多年來在資料中心投資了數百萬美元的大型公司也希望通過利用私有雲來保護自己的投資。

    混合雲可以提供兩者的優勢 – 組織可以在現場擁有和控制自己的資料,同時與公有雲服務連接使用不同的功能。混合雲的潛在缺點是管理和連接不同雲端平臺的複雜性將大幅增加。

  • 技嘉的特色
    GIGABYTE 是提供建構私有雲所需伺服器硬體的業界領導者之一。基於英特爾Xeon ScalableAMD EPYC 和 Marvell ThunderX2 處理器提供多種伺服器系統組合,在組織構建雲端運算架構時提供了理想的基礎設施解決方案。

    此外,GIGABYTE 還與各種軟體解決方案供應商合作,提供為雲端運算客製組合的硬體/套裝軟體,以便更輕鬆、更快速地部署私有雲或混合雲,從而提供虛擬化的分享運算、GPU 和儲存資源。

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    Success Case

    The Advanced IC Lab at NYCU was Upgraded to Elevate the Taiwan Semiconductor Industry and Talent

    The Advanced IC Lab at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (NYCU) has been upgraded to enhance Taiwan's semiconductor industry and talent cultivation. With contributions from GIGABYTE Technology and partners, the lab now features cutting-edge servers, improving both computational capabilities and educational outcomes. The new infrastructure enables efficient testing of IC designs and supports advanced learning and research, fostering talent that will drive future innovations in the semiconductor industry.
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    Silicon Valley Startup Sushi Cloud Rolls Out Bare-metal Services with GIGABYTE

    Success Case

    Silicon Valley Startup Sushi Cloud Rolls Out Bare-metal Services with GIGABYTE

    The Silicon Valley startup Sushi Cloud is competing in the public cloud sector by providing “bare-metal” services that give users exclusive access to individual, standalone servers on the cloud, resulting in a triple boost to performance, versatility, and reliability. Sushi Cloud purchased GIGABYTE’s R152-Z30 Rack Servers to offer its clients the state-of-the-art performance of AMD EPYC™ CPUs; the versatility afforded by superb memory and storage capacities, in addition to OS and software ecosystem compatibility; and GIGABYTE’s proprietary high availability features (such as SCMP and dual ROM) and remote management functions (such as GIGABYTE Management Console and GIGABYTE Server Management).
    CSR and ESG in Action: GIGABYTE Helps NCKU Train Award-Winning Supercomputing Team

    Success Case

    CSR and ESG in Action: GIGABYTE Helps NCKU Train Award-Winning Supercomputing Team

    GIGABYTE Technology is not only a leading brand in high-performance server solutions—it is also an active force for good when it comes to CSR and ESG activities. Case in point: in 2020, GIGABYTE provided four G482-Z50 servers to Taiwan’s Cheng Kung University. The servers were used to train a team of talented students, who went on to take first place in that year’s APAC HPC-AI Competition in Singapore. The parallel computing performance of the servers’ processors, the seamless connectivity between the servers, and the servers’ unrivalled reliability are the reasons why GIGABYTE servers are ideal for educating the next generation of supercomputing experts. GIGABYTE is happy to give back to society and contribute to human advancement through high tech solutions.
    Semiconductor Giant Selects GIGABYTE’s Two-Phase Immersion Cooling Solution

    Success Case

    Semiconductor Giant Selects GIGABYTE’s Two-Phase Immersion Cooling Solution

    GIGABYTE Technology has built a “two-phase immersion cooling solution” for one of Taiwan’s foremost semiconductor giants, to be used in its sustainable, future-proof “green HPC data centers”. Not only does the solution boost the performance of HPC processors by over 10%—which is crucial for the nanometer process technology used in IC foundries—it also reduces data center power consumption by 30% and lowers PUE below 1.08, which turns it into a role model of green computing that may be replicated in data centers around the world. This exemplary project demonstrates how GIGABYTE can support its clients’ CSR, ESG, and SDGs-related initiatives, and how GIGABYTE is working tirelessly to “Upgrade Your Life” with high tech while protecting our environment.
    NCHC and Xanthus Elevate Taiwanese Animation on the World Stage with GIGABYTE Servers

    Success Case

    NCHC and Xanthus Elevate Taiwanese Animation on the World Stage with GIGABYTE Servers

    Created by Greener Grass Production, the Taiwanese sci-fi mini-series “2049” made its debut on Netflix and various local TV channels. The animated spin-off “2049+ Voice of Rebirth”, crafted by Xanthus Animation Studio, premiered on the streaming service myVideo. The CGI show was created with the NCHC Render Farm’s GIGABYTE servers, which employ top-of-the-line NVIDIA® graphics cards to empower artists with industry-leading rendering capabilities. The servers can take on multiple workloads simultaneously through parallel computing, and they boast a wide range of patented smart features that ensure stability and availability. With all it has going for it, “2049+ Voice of Rebirth” may garner enough attention to become the breakout hit that will introduce Taiwanese animation to international audiences.
    Using GIGABYTE, NIPA Cloud Soars Among CSP Giants in Thailand

    Success Case

    Using GIGABYTE, NIPA Cloud Soars Among CSP Giants in Thailand

    NIPA Cloud is a leading public and private cloud service provider in Thailand. It has purchased multiple GIGABYTE R-Series Rack Servers to support the launch of its new service: NIPA Enterprise Public Cloud. Featuring powerful AMD EPYC™ processors and smart management functions, GIGABYTE servers boast the performance, availability, and power efficiency that can help NIPA Cloud go toe-to-toe with some of the world’s biggest CSPs, such as AWS, GCP, and Microsoft Azure.