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Tech Report
GIGABYTE has launched two motherboards that feature H55 and H57 Express chipsets, display outputs connected to the CPU socket, and shiny USB 3.0 ports driven by a NEC controller chip…
GIGABYTE display was the new "333" slogan that they use to show off the features of their new motherboards.The "333" stands for USB 3.0 for up to 10x USB speeds, USB 3x power which provides 3x the power running through the USB ports to ensure all of your dives have the juice they need, and SATA 3.0 for up to 4x speed using RAID-0…
PC Perspective
All USB 3.0 boards of the new GIGABYTE producet line also support a new feature that is perhaps just as significant as USB3 itself. GIGABYTE calls it "3X USB power"…
Tom's Hardware
Yet GIGABYTE managed to edge out its rival in write performance by taking its 5.0 Gb/s pathway directly from the CPU, eliminating any middle parts (like the DMI interface connecting Core i7 to P55) that could slow the interface down…,2490-7.html
Tweak Town
We are already starting to see motherboard makers like GIGABYTE implementing USB 3.0 in their latest designs and looking to build new X58 chipset boards with USB 3.0 included.
Mad Shrimps
Another GIGABYTE innovation is the increased stability for USB power. At 4.65V or lower, an USB device will stop functioning so, with the necessity of more stability due to the higher transfer rates, GIGABYTE did the necessary to ensure full stability.
GIGABYTE decided not to stop there. Why not allow users even more flexibility and provide the current they really need? So every P55A board with SSUSB technology will be capable of supplying a whopping 1500mA (1.5A) to each SSUSB device!
GIGABYTE has implemented the SATA 3 and USB 3.0 interfaces P55 platform wide and made it easily and inexpensively available earlier in the game than any previous evolution of new interfaces we've ever seen.
ข้อมูลทั้งหมดเป็นทรัพย์สินทางปัญญา, รวมถึงลิขสิทธิ์ต่างๆ และเครื่องหมายการค้า ข้อมูล ประโยค คำต่างๆ บนเว็บไซต์เป็นทรัพย์สินของบริษัท,
GIGA-BYTE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. ห้ามนำข้อมูลไปใช้โดยไม่ได้รับอนุญาตเด็ดขาด