The stylish Ultra-Thin M1405 which features an exclusive desktop VGA embedded Docking Station is now further enhancing its audio performance with THX TruStudio Pro™ technology. It provides the latest groundbreaking technologies and together delivers the fullest audio experience for music, movies and games, while remaining true to the source and intention of the artists who created it.
THX TruStudio Pro™ Improves Overall Audio Performance
THX TruStudio Pro™ is specially designed to bring the same great audio experience found in live performances, films, and recording studios. After turning on THX TruStudio Pro™, the sound curve which composed of the amplitude (dB) and the frequency(Hz) will reach a more accurate representation of the original sound and no frequencies would be exaggerated. The band filters also increase to 512 bands which provide smoother sound on most genre playbacks. THX TruStudio Pro™ does not only improve M1405 sound quality but also widen the totally frequency range which people can hear.
M1405 Sound Field Testing

GIGABAYTE M1405 undergoes the entire unit test to grant the standard and it is also tested under conditions based on its actual mechanical aspect of the product ID and the users’ usage habits.

THX TruStudio Pro™ Applications
The user friendly applications of THX TruStudio Pro™ provide the easiest and quickest way to the premium audio enjoyment.

THX TruStudio Pro Surround

Control the level of audio immersion in music, movies and games.

THX TruStudio Pro Crystalizer

Enhance music and movies to make them sound livelier.

THX TruStudio Pro Speaker

Enhance the sound quality and bass of any speaker system for a better listening experience.

THX TruStudio Pro Smart Volume

Adjust the loudness of your audio playback automatically to minimize sudden volume changes.

THX TruStudio Pro Dialog Plus

Enhance the voices in movies for clearer dialog.

Extreme Mobility Exquisite Styling

Unique Hairline Metallic
Desktop VGA embedded
 Docking Station
Smart+ Technology
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