Systém chladenia WINDFORCE 2X

The WINDFORCE 2X cooling system features two 90mm fans, 2 pure copper composite heat-pipes, unique blade fan design, heat pipes direct touch technology together delivering an effective heat dissipation capacity for higher performance at lower temperatures.

WINDFORCE Cooling System - Fans

Unikátny dizajn lopatiek ventilátora

Prietok vzduchu je rozdelený hranou trojuholníka ventilátora a plynulo sa vedie cez zakrivenie na povrchu ventilátora, čím sa účinne zvyšuje tok vzduchu.

3D aktívny ventilátor

The 3D Active Fan provides semi-passive cooling, the fans will remain off when the GPU is under a set loading or temperature for low power gaming. It allows gamers to enjoy gameplay in complete silence when the system is running light or idle.

WINDFORCE 2X Cooling System - Heat Pipes

Kompozitné hueat-pipe

Kompozitné heat-pipe kombinujú tepelnú vodivosť a fázový prechod pre efektívne riadenie prenosu tepla medzi dvoma pevnými rozhraniami, čo zvyšuje kapacitu chladenia o 29%.

Heat-pipe s priamym dotykom

Heta-pipe trubice z čistej medi sú tvarované pre dosiahnutie maximálnej plochy dotyku s GPU.


Pretaktovanie jedným kliknutím

With a simple click on AORUS GRAPHICS ENGINE utility, gamers can easily tune the card to meet their various gaming requirements without any overclocking knowledge, while saving the hassle of manual adjustment.


Ultra Durable materiály

Engineered with the highest-grade chokes and capacitors, the graphic card delivers outstanding performance and durable system lifespan.

Built for OverClocking with 6+2 power phases

Compared to founders edition, the 6+2 power phases on the card make the MOSFET working at a lower temperature and provide more stable voltage output.

Intuitívna utilita

AORUS Graphics Engine

Adjust clock speeds, voltage, fan performance, power target can be monitored and tuned in real-time according to your own preference through this intuitive interface. Stiahnuť
(*Rozhranie a funkčnosť softvéru je závislá od konkrétneho modelu.)