GIGABYTE Powering the Next Generation of HPC Talent at ISC
GIGABYTE's booth at ISC 2019
National Cheng Kung University team working hard
UPC Les Maduixes with their GIGABYTE / Marvell ThunderX2 Arm HPC cluster
Interview with Team RACKlette (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
ISC19 Meet The Teams interview: ETH
ETH team photo
ETH HPC cluster using 4 x GIGABYTE G291-280
Interview with Team Tartu (University of Tartu, Estonia)
ISC19 Meet The Teams interview: Tartu
University of Tartu team photo
University of Tartu HPC cluster using 4 x GIGABYTE R281-Z94 & 2 x GIGABYTE G291-Z20
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